Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fallen into Disgrace: Lance Armstrong

So much has been speculated and written about the Oprah’s interview with Lance Armstrong (LA) since a week before the interview.  I watched both parts of the interview; first part on YouTube and second part live on Oprah’s website.  Before I go on to describe my feelings about LA’s confession, I would like to put it on record that I always admired LA to the extent that I was in awe of him.  Only other athlete that comes close to him, in my opinion, is Michael Phelps, the great swimmer.  For me LA’s story was one of the most incredible and motivational stories ever.  I found him always in control of the situation in all his interviews and with each title my respect and admiration for him kept increasing.

Here came the interview which lots of people were waiting for.  I was disappointed with the confessions (even though I was expected it) and was angered by the reasons he provided.  During the last so many years he has been vehemently denying and opposing the doping charges and today he accepted the charges saying that he used the drugs to create ‘level playing field’.  I find the excuse very lame.  Can a poor person resort to ransom to create level playing field with rich?  Can a person with no kids kill other’s kids to create a level playing field?  LA cannot justify his wrong doings like this. 

He said that his personal trait of ‘winning at all cost’ made him go for organized doping programme.  My question to him would he, in his pursuit to win at all costs, even kill somebody.  He knew all along that doping was not approved and it was illegal to be used in professional cycling.  Still he went ahead with professional doping programme and went after all the people who dared to speak against him. 

Now that he got cornered due to the USADA investigation, he comes out in open and goes for an interview with Oprah.  What was he thinking!!!  That he will say sorry and people will forgive him.   He was The Armstorng, an inspiration for not only cancer patients but for most of the people, including me.  He made us believe that anything is possible if one has a will to achieve.  What do I do now!  The person I looked up to in awe has turned out to be a big CHEAT.  He mentioned that it was a perfect story for so long. I would like to remind him that there was no story.  It was a perfect con job for so long.

He said nobody could have won seven Tour de France titles without doping and he was the person who, in first place, made people believe that one can actually win seven tours if you have talent.  Every human being, who aspires to reach new heights in life, has an idol in life.  LA was the hero for so many people and he has let each and every one down.  He is a big DISGRACE to the sporting fraternity.  He claimed that doping was prevalent in his generation and he just did it because everybody was doing it.  This makes him a weak person who is unable to recognize the difference between right and wrong.  His comment “it is like checking air in tires and water in bottle” sends a chill down my spine.  So much institutionalization of a wrongdoing makes him, in my opinion, a cold blooded cheat. 

He claimed that his lifetime ban is unfair as others have got lesser punishment.  I feel that he has forgotten that others were not suing people left right and center for doping accusations.  He committed the same crime with more aggression and also told bigger lies every time.   And not to forget that he was rewarded handsomely by sponsors, fans, etc. because of his “achievement” (even if you can call them so).

I can appreciate him only for his determination to come out, just like Hansie Cronje of South Africa, in open (although it was forced).  I hope he co-operates with USADA and WADA to iron out inefficiencies in the system.  Even though he has apologized, I feel it is not enough. 

Yes, he has all the right to live and move on in his life but I don’t want him to be known for his achievement but for the cheat he has been throughout his life. 

As a last thought, I, for the sake of humanity and inspiration, hope that nothing comes out against Michael Phelps and Michael Schumacher.